
Nguyen Tieu Festival - Há»™i An 2017

 22:06 09/02/2017

Nguyen Tieu festival is held on the fisrt full moon day of the lunar new year which has many spiritual meanings to the people of Há»™i An. It is an opportunity for the local people to express their respect to the ancestors and pray for a peaceful and prosperous new year. This day is also considered as a blessing days when the gods come to bless all the people. With such belief, the people of Há»™i An always celebrate worshipping ceremony and decorate their house on this occasion.

Há»™i An city temporarily stops the activities of visiting and guiding

Há»™i An city temporarily stops the activities of visiting and guiding

 04:45 11/02/2015

The Center for Culture and Sports of Há»™i An city would like to announce that we will stop the activities of visiting and guiding due to the Lunar New Year Festival - 2015

Suspension of visiting privileges in Há»™i An city

Suspension of visiting privileges in Há»™i An city

 23:25 24/01/2014

On the occasion of the lunar new year, year of the horse - 2014, the Center for Culture and Sports of Há»™i An city would like to inform tourists visiting Há»™i An city as follow:

Hoi An's Lantern festival to light up lunar New Year

 02:46 14/01/2013

The ancient city of Hoi An will host a lantern festival to celebrate the lunar New Year on February 9-16, thecenter for culture and sport of Há»™i An city told Viet Nam News yesterday.