The show, directed by writer Nguyen Quang Vinh, saw a total of 150 artists, including professional and amateur performers portray the history of the ancient town between the 16th and 19th century, along with showcasing the traditional crafts and dances of the Cham people, as well as folk art forms such as Bai Choi singing.
This marked the first time that a real show has recreated the old busy trading port town from the previous centuries, with the event featuring legend stories about the Japanese Bridge.
Most notably, tourists to Hoi An ancient town have begun to bounce back in recent times after a period of being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the city welcoming approximately 150,000 visitors during the first quarter of the year.
Furthermore, the show has also been organised in order to celebrate the 46th anniversary of the city’s liberation.
Nguyen Van Lanh, vice chairman of Hoi An city in the central Quang Nam province, said the "Hoi An Show" programme features activities aimed at reviving Hoi An's tourism industry in the post COVID-19 period, adding that the show aims to promote the central city as a safe destination for visitors nationwide.
Moreover, a range of COVID-19 preventive measures imposed during the scheme ensured safety, such as arranging large-screen televisions in public places, whilst local residents were required to maintain a safe distance, Lanh noted.
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