
giao luu HA NB

The 15th hội an – japan cultural exchange 2017

 05:03 27/07/2017

Hoi An - Japan cultural exchange is the most outstanding event of Hoi An city in recent years. It is the cultural, spiritual and friendship fusion of the past that has become the invisible cord connecting people from two different countries with the present and the future. 14 years after the first event, it has still left in the hearts of the participants a lot of good feelings about the friendship and solidarity between the two nations.

Há»™i An New Year Festival 2017

Há»™i An New Year Festival 2017

 04:31 08/12/2016

Hội An New Year Festival, which is an annual event, has been held by the city of Hội An for years. It was considered that the event had left a deep impression on visitors’mind thanks to the friendliness, humanity and soul-connection of people from all over the world.