
Why the Best Time to Visit Vietnam Is Right Now

Why the Best Time to Visit Vietnam Is Right Now

 23:16 10/07/2017

Let’s say you want an off-the-beaten-path destination, a country where you’ll find an adventure without a lot of hand-holding. Vietnam may very well be your jam. But, wait, you’d rather find a developed country where visitors will feel comfortably taken care of? Again, I’d like to recommend my good friend and colleague Vietnam.

Announcement on temporarily stopping entertainment activities and traditional art performances in Há»™i An ancient town on december 4th, 2016

Announcement on temporarily stopping entertainment activities and traditional art performances in Há»™i An ancient town on december 4th, 2016

 01:52 30/11/2016

Pursuant to a special release of Vietnam government on the implementation of national mourning for former Cuban president Fidel Castro on December 4th 2016, the Center for culture and sports of Há»™i An city would like to announce that all the entertainment activities, traditional art performances, choral class, folk singing class and folk games taking place in the ancient town of Hoian will be temporarily stopped from 8am to 9:30 pm on December 4th 2016 (Sunday).

Há»™i An Traditional Art Performance House  temporarily closed for maintainance

Há»™i An Traditional Art Performance House temporarily closed for maintainance

 04:51 29/09/2016

The Center for Culture and Sports of Hoian city would like to inform you that the Há»™i An Traditional Art Performance House is temporarily closed for maintainance from September 28th to October 7th, 2016. Please accept our apology for this convenience.

Suspension of visiting privileges in Há»™i An city

Suspension of visiting privileges in Há»™i An city

 23:25 24/01/2014

On the occasion of the lunar new year, year of the horse - 2014, the Center for Culture and Sports of Há»™i An city would like to inform tourists visiting Há»™i An city as follow: