

A trip to Cham Island

 14:11 01/07/2015

Cham island off Hoi An in central Vietnam has been a popular destination as its wild and peaceful nature offers just what people need after a tour of nostalgia through the ancient town.

Diners endanger ‘stone' crabs

Diners endanger ‘stone' crabs

 15:17 08/07/2011

A project aimed at protecting "stone" crabs living in the Cham Island area of Hoi An city, situated in the central province of Quang Nam, has recently been approved by local authorities.

Unique “vú nàng” snail Cu Lao Cham island

Unique “vú nàng” snail Cu Lao Cham island

 11:08 10/06/2011

Upon each occasion f-rom the mainland to Cu Lao Cham island ( Hoi An Ancient Town) met on the full moon, I’ll be the people you go to the beach offers dishes made f-rom “her breast”snails.(ốc “vú nàng”) By simple moon season “vú nàng” snails appear more.